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Three Tips to Keep Roller Blinds in Good Shape

Roller blinds are an inexpensive yet easy way to add more colour and class to a home. They are very flexible and can be made to fit windows of all types and sizes. People buy roller blinds online or in-store for their attractive looks and to protect their rooms from the direct rays of the sun.

Here is a list of tips to clean roller blinds like a pro and enjoy their benefits for a longer period of time.

Keep the blinds dust free

Regular cleaning of blinds using a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner will enhance the natural look and the life of the roller blinds. Dusting the blinds and its surrounding areas everyday helps to keep away from the dust-filled rays of light penetrating into the room. Care must be taken to ensure that both sides of the blinds are cleaned well.

Use mild detergents to remove stains

Stains on the roller blinds can be removed using any mild detergent or a shampoo. Use of harsh chemicals and bleaches must be avoided to keep the fabric safe from damage. Toothbrushes or other soft brushes can be used to rub the detergent gently on the surface of the roller blind to get rid of the stain.

Seek professional help if required

If the roller blinds have been affected with stubborn stains or if they need to be cleaned completely by uninstalling them, it is better to seek professional help. Experts in the field will be able to suggest the right cleaning products and ensure the safety of the product.